Seniors! Your Google Account Won’t Graduate With You!
Shortly after you graduate, your FUHSD Google account will be de-activated and you will no longer have access to any data you have stored in it. If you would like to save any of your data, content or work, you will need to take a few steps to make sure you keep it. Here are two ways to save docs and data from your FUHSD Google account.
By entire account (Google Takeout)
If you have lots of data, many documents or just want to keep all the work you’ve done at LHS, you can download the contents of your account. For more information about this process, see the Download your Data Google Help page.
The basic process is to go to Google Takeout, where you will select the areas you want to keep and the method by which you want the archive made. NOTE: THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE AND MAY SLOW DOWN YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION!!! We recommend that you do this overnight to avoid internet-traffic-related network issues.
BENEFITS: You can download your entire account with a few clicks. It's the easiest method!
It may include lots of documents you no longer require.
GOOGLE Schoology Assignments will NOT get pulled in the Takeout because the nature of the Schoology assignment is that ownership transfers to your teacher. Before doing the Google Takeout, follow these steps:
Locate assignments in Google Drive > Shared With Me OR type in your name or FUHSD ID into Google Drive's search field.
Make a copy of the assignment(s)
Place copies in a new folder
Complete the takeout
Personal Google Storage is limited!Please be aware personal Google Accounts only have 15 GB of storage space, so if you have more than that in your FUHSD account, you may need to delete unnecessary files and emails before you migrate.
How to use Google Takeout to download your Google Drive content [YouTube video]
By individual document (share and copy)
If you only have a few projects, presentations or papers you'd like to keep, this is the best choice. You can share the document with an outside (personal) Google account, and make a copy of the shared document that will be owned by you.
Copy Content from Your School Account To Another Account [Google Support Article]
How to copy content from your school account to a personal Google account [Screencast video] Video does NOT include reference to Schoology Google Assignments.
BENEFITS: You keep the documents in Google format exactly as you created them.
DRAWBACKS: The process must be repeated for every document you want to keep. This is only good for Drive files. NOTE: All Google Drive Schoology assignments must be handled with this method -- these documents changed ownership to your teachers when you submitted the assignment. Follow the instructions above for finding and making copies of these documents.
You'll need to use Google Takeout for Youtube, Gmail, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact