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Bilingual & ELAC Committees

The Lynbrook Bilingual/Multicultural Committee is a subcommittee of the PTSA whose charge is to obtain increased bilingual parent participation at Lynbrook.

The committee works to inform bilingual and English Learner (EL) parents about school culture, procedures and other significant pieces of information, as well as to facilitate communication between the school's staff and bilingual families.

The ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) consists of parents of students who are enrolled in EL classes. Parents of English learners have an opportunity to be active participants in assisting their children to achieve academically.

Parents new to the school can ask for support in navigating school procedures by contacting one of the mentors.

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) are parent members who serve a one-year term who are elected or re-elected each fall. The DELAC membership composition must include two EL parent representatives from each school. Representatives are responsible to attend all DELAC meetings and present the information received at the school-level ELAC meetings, bring issues from ELAC meetings to DELAC meetings, assist the district liaison with planning and organizing the meetings.

Meeting Dates