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Student Wellness & Resources

Wellness Check-In Form

You can request to speak with a School Based Therapist or School Psychologist while campus is closed by filling out our FUHSD Wellness Check In Form. We take appointments during regular school hours, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If this is a medical or mental health emergency, DO NOT fill out this form. Call 911 or visit your nearest hospital emergency room if you can get there safely.


School Based Therapist

A licensed Therapist is available to provide crisis and short term counseling, assessment, parent consultation and education as well as make referrals to additional professional services. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Lynbrook's School Based Therapist, Jenna Starnes (jenna_starnes@fuhsd.org).

Name/Gender Records Change

The Fremont Union High School District supports students who wish to identify by a name and/or gender other than their legal name/gender at school. Students who wish to use a name and gender that is different from their legal name and gender as it appears on their registration documents may do so for internal school documents (e.g., class and athletic team rosters, student identification cards, progress grade reports, and yearbook), preferably with the consent of the student’s parent/guardian. The student’s legal name and gender as it appears on registration documents will be maintained as part of the student’s permanent record (5 C.C.R. § 432(b)(1)(A), (B), D). For more information about the process for making this change request, please contact a school guidance counselor, administrator or school based therapist or visit the Transcripts & Student Records webpage.

Community Resources

Child Protective Services
Community Counseling Support (Sliding Fee Scale)
Emergency Youth Housing
Grief Support 
Local Community Resources
LGBTQ Resources
Mental Health & Wellness Info Guides
Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Suicide Prevention

For additional resources, visit the FUHSD Mental Health Resources webpage.