STTAR Tutoring
Student Tutors and Tutees Achieving Results (STTAR) is a peer to peer tutoring program where upperclassmen and National Honor Society members who excel in specific subjects help their fellow Vikings. Student tutors are available for students needing assistance in most subjects taught at Lynbrook. Tutors can also tutor ELD students; some tutors are bilingual.
STTAR tutors are matched with a tutee for regular (weekly) one-on-one tutoring sessions based on availability and the subject/class. If you have questions regarding STTAR tutoring, please contact Faneetha Nimmagadda at
Tutoring Sessions
- are in person.
- are scheduled on a weekly basis. Tutor/tutee may meet more than once a week if both parties agree.
- communication is between tutor and tutee.
If you would like to receive tutoring assistance, click on “NEED A TUTOR?” below.
If you would like to be a STTAR Tutor and help a fellow Viking, click on “WANT TO BECOME A TUTOR?”