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Incoming Students

Welcome to Lynbrook High School

Before attending Lynbrook High School, all new students must establish residency through the district office. Once a student establishes residency, the family receives information from Lynbrook High School regarding course selection. For incoming 9th grade families, we know coming to high school can be a bit anxiety-provoking and you may have a number of questions. While course selection may seem like a complicated process with lots of choices, it is not. We will help you and your student build the 9th grade schedule in a step-by-step method during the Course Information Nights in February. In addition, we offer this list, though not exhaustive, of Frequently Asked Questions.

8th Grade Course Selection Nights

Course selection information nights occur in February. Students and parents/guardians will be provided a brief overview of our courses and have an opportunity to ask questions. Please review courses available prior to the evening using the online course description guide.  It is very important that both students and parents attend the information meeting!

Course Information Evening Slides

2025-2026 Course Description Guide

Parents of Special Education and ELD Students

Our Special Education Lead Resource Teacher will be available at the course selection evenings to provide support to families.

The EL Coordinator and Assistant Principal will host a separate zoom session for EL families in addition to the planning evenings.

Math Placement

Lynbrook Elective Program Information

Lynbrook boasts a thriving elective program with a variety of options to help foster student's interests while allowing them to explore and discover new ones.

Each January, we host an Electives Night for students and families to learn about our programs and meet the teachers who teach these classes. In addition, we offer the following highlights for prospective students to enjoy.

New Course for 2023-24: Ethnic Studies/Health

Beginning in 2023-24, Lynbrook is excited to offer 2 semester-long classes (the classes will be paired together to make a year-long course.) Intro to Ethnic Studies and Health will count as elective credit for graduation and  UC/CSU approved as G-elective courses. This course pairing will be a graduation requirement in coming years.

For more information on these courses, click on this link for flyers and find a video here

Frequently Asked Questions