Grade level: 10-12
Recommended background: None
College eligibility: UC and CSU college preparatory elective, subject area G
Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a simulated business that is set up and run by students. With the guidance of the teacher and real-world business partners, the students determine the nature of their business, its products and services, its management and structures and learn the daily operation of a business. Students will be involved in simulated on the job work experiences, including accounting, personnel administration, management and marketing. Emphasis is placed on using current business software, communications, and the Internet for business transactions. Additionally, students will run their own virtual checking account, will be receiving a virtual paycheck, and be required to pay virtual bills including rent, utilities and miscellaneous expenditures. Students will be responsible for having a grand opening for their business and have the opportunity to attend one of two (or more) trade fairs. Working collaboratively, students will develop and enhance oral and written communication skills through initiative, creativity and responsibility. All class experiences simulate those found in business and industry.