On this day in 1814, the failed bombardment of Fort McHenry forced the British to abandon their land assault on the crucial port city of Baltimore. The British defeat was a turning point in the War of 1812, leading both sides to reach a peace agreement later that year. During the battle, Francis Scott Key composes the poem “Defence of Fort McHenry”, which is later set to music and becomes the United States national anthem.
This Week: Friday - Block (4, 5, 6), Open Tutorial.
Next Week) Monday - 7 Periods, Inside Tutorial; Tuesday- Block (1, 2, 3, 7); Wednesday – Block (4, 5, 6), Open Tutorial; Thursday- Block (1, 2, 3, 7); Friday- Block (4, 5, 6), Advisory.
AP Exam Registration - Registration for AP Exams is now open. The exam fee is $125 for regular format exams and $135 for special format (World Language, Music Theory, Studio Art) exams. There will be no late registration, so students will need to plan carefully. AP exams will take place from May 5-16, 2025. Please purchase your exams online through your Infinite Campus portal. If paying in person bring cash or check payable to FUHSD to the ASB Office. Last day to pay is Monday September 30th. Please contact Mr. Erwin or Ms. Perez if you have any questions.
PTSA Reflections Art Program 2024/25 - Unleash your creative talents, express yourself, experience the fun and joy of making art, and tap into your critical-thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme - "Accepting Imperfection". The Reflection submission portal is now live and accepting entries. Submit your entries by October 2nd at https://tinyurl.com/reflections-2024-25-submit. Students are encouraged to showcase their creativity! Please submit your work on time, as late entries will not be accepted. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your talent! See https://tinyurl.com/lhs-reflections-2024-2025 or https://tinyurl.com/LHS-Reflections2024-25-flyer for more information.
Lost and Found - Are you missing a water bottle, jacket, or lunch box? Check the lost and found located in the back of the GSS office by this Friday, September 13th. All unclaimed items will be donated.
Homework Center - Homework Center is open in the library on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school ends until 5:00 pm. Students can work independently on their assignments or get help from Student Tutors if needed. Attending Homework Center can help students build healthy study habits for a successful year! For more information, visit https://lhs.fuhsd.org/guidance-student-support/high-school-planning/academic-support and click on "HOMEWORK CENTER." If you have questions you can see Mrs. Nimmagadda in the library after school (M,W,Th).
Science Bowl Tryouts - Science Bowl is a prestigious Jeopardy style buzzer competition that tests on knowledge about math, physics, chemistry, biology, and earth and space science. Lynbrook’s Science Bowl team regularly wins the Regional Science Bowl hosted annually at SLAC and placed 9th at the national competition this year. The first round of tryouts will be held in Mr. Leung’s room after 6th period on 9/18. Please bring a computer. The link to sign up is tinyurl.com/lsb25. Sign up by 9/17.
NorCal Hacks - Lynbrook Engineering Club is hosting the annual NorCal Hacks hackathon from October 10th to October 13th. It is a completely virtual event open to anyone. No experience is needed! Participants will work independently or in groups of up to four to create innovative projects related to renewable energy, energy conservation, climate change, and more! To sign up, go to: bit.ly/NorCalHacks
This Week (Home Games in BOLD):
9/14: Girls JV Volleyball (Spikefest Tournament) at Wilcox High, TBA
Next Week (Home Games in BOLD):
9/16: Field Hockey vs Saratoga at Saratoga
JV – 5:15 pm, Varsity – 4:00 pm
9/16: Girls Varsity Golf vs Los Gatos at Coyote Creek Golf Course, 3:30 pm
9/16: Girls Volleyball vs Fremont
JV – 5:30 pm, Varsity – 6:45 pm
9/17: Girls Water Polo vs Los Altos
JV – 4:00 pm, Varsity – 5:00 pm
9/17: Boys Water Polo vs Wilcox
JV – 7:00 pm, Varsity – 6:00 pm
9/18: Boys Water Polo vs Prospect
JV – 5:00 pm, Varsity – 6:00 pm
9/18: Field Hockey vs Fremont
JV – 5:15 pm, Varsity – 4:00 pm
9/18: Girls Volleyball vs MacDonald at MacDonald
JV – 5:30 pm, Varsity – 6:45 pm
9/19: Girls Varsity Golf vs Milpitas at Los Lagos, 2:30 pm
9/19: Girls Varsity Tennis vs Los Gatos at Los Gatos, 4:00 pm
9/19: Girls JV Tennis vs Los Gatos, 4:00 pm
9/19: Boys Water Polo vs Milpitas
JV – 4:00 pm, Varsity – 5:00 pm
9/19: Girls Varsity Water Polo vs Harker, 6:00 pm
9/20: Football vs Mills High at Mills High, 7:00 pm
9/20: Girls Varsity Water Polo (James Logan Tournament), TBA
9/20: Girls JV Water Polo (Presentation JV Tournament), TBA
9/21: Girls Varsity Water Polo (James Logan Tournament), TBA
9/21: Girls JV Water Polo (Presentation JV Tournament), TBA